The George South Online Museum

Starrcade 84 T-Shirt

First and Only Commercial Shirt that said "Mid-Atlantic Wrestling"



This is the Starrcade 84 t-shirt. Back at this time, t-shirts were very seldom sold, in fact this might be the first one Crockett did. They didn’t have merchandising; they didn’t have gimmick stores or anything like that. Now, we take it for granted.


Earl Hebner gave me this. Earl was still refereeing for Crockett; David Hebner had already gone to the WWF. He was actually the merchandise guy for Crockett later on.  He drove the truck, plus he was a referee. So he had all this old stuff at home, and when we would go work Richmond , we would stay over at Earl’s. He had boxes of old stuff still at his house. I only wish I had grabbed more!


What’s special about this, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another shirt with “Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling” on it. This was the only shirt they did that had that. The later stuff all said NWA. They sold this for $3.00 at the actual Starrcade event in Greensboro .


-George South

The above was transcribed from discussions Dick Bourne and David Chappell had with George as he took us on a tour around his wrestling room at his home in Concord, NC., August 20, 2003.